My Take on POTUS

My position on Donald Trump:
Make no mistake…I’m not posting this for debate. I don’t seek or need commentary, but feel free to comment if you care to.

Just consider this…when you think the President is brass or brazen; he is.
He’s a New Yorker. He’s crude and can be rude. He gets his feelings hurt and he’s a hothead. He hits back; harder. The media hates it when he tweets. Why? Because he gets information out, they don’t want to report.
Let me tell you what else:
He is a guy that demands performance. If you don’t work as hard as he does; you’re fired!
He is a guy that asks lots of questions.
The questions he asks aren’t cloaked in fancy “political” phrases; they are “why the hell…” questions.
For decades the health industry has thrown away billions of face masks after one use. Trump asks, “why the hell are we throwing them away? Why not sterilize them and use them numerous times?” They called him stupid. What are they doing now? Sterilizing face masks.

He’s the guy that gets hospital ships readied in one week when it would have taken bureaucrats weeks or months to get it done.
He’s the guy that gets temporary hospitals built in three days. They said no way he could do it.
He’s the guy that gets auto industries to restructure to build ventilators in a business that’s highly regulated by agencies that move like sloths.
He’s the guy that asks “why aren’t we using drugs that might work on people that are dying; what the hell do we have to lose?”
He’s the guy that restricted travel from China when the Democrats and liberal media were screaming “xenophobia” and “racist.” Now they’re wanting to know why didn’t he react sooner?

“Best President in my lifetime”

He’s the guy that campaigned on securing the border – protecting America – in the face of screaming Democrats and the liberal media. (Both Clinton and Obama talked about a crisis at the border and Obama did some things to address the crisis, but they proved insufficient.) When Trump shut down borders in the midst of the coronavirus virus, they screamed louder. Then the rest of the world followed suit, including the European Union with travel between their member countries. His policy is always ‘America First.’ For many years we have complained about sending billions abroad, while Americans suffer here. He’s minimized that outflow of money.

Has he made mistakes? Yes.
Everyone I know has and does.
The “experts” wouldn’t and haven’t done any better.
Does he change his mind? Yes, who doesn’t?
Trump is working harder than I’ve ever seen a President work. Twenty-four-hour days. He isn’t hiding in his office; he’s out front – Briefing – every day.
When he offers hope, they say he’s lying and when he’s straight forward, they say he should be hopeful. It’s a no-win situation, with the MSM, but he will not be deterred.

I’ll take this kind of leadership six days a week and twice on Sunday over a “polished, nice guy” politician who reads prepared speeches from a teleprompter and answers pre-scripted questions.

He is my President.❤🇺🇸💯
Feel free to copy and paste…I did…

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2 thoughts on “My Take on POTUS

  1. Larry Puckett May 29, 2020 — 2:10 pm

    Spot on my friend Dano. Is rather have a brash at times obnoxious leader that loves America and puts American interests first than a smooth talking “presidential” apologist that loathes America and wishes to destroy America to usher in the NWO. Politics can not be emotion based – it is production that counts. Feelings are overrated!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Right-O, hey, you might also like the post from a while ago called Raccoons in the House…about POTUS


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