So Many Runners, How Many Finishers??

While I missed the broadcast of the GOP debate tonite, I was intrigued by the comments, posts, and tweets that came out during and after the event.  There were the obvious ones by Dems and lefties being derogatory, talking about  “fairy tales” and boring “rah rah rah”  which would be expected.  And then there were those genuine GOP folks that had a preference for this candidate or the other, usually singing the praises of the one they favor.  Of course Trump was in the forefront on both sides, as he is a bombastic character and is set up as the main target by many who think he’s a disingenuous player just in it for the ego or whatever. That we may never know, but he is making waves with his message.

The bottom line to all this is that we have a multitude of choices as GOP candidates,  too many in fact, in some folk’s opinions.  Personally  I think it’s a good thing that there are all these people willing to put there own lives, history, families, and careers under the microscope at this rung of political advancement.   Let’s face it, unless you are a “Manchurian candidate”  like the guy in office now,  you are going to be scrutinized like never before.  You really think the MSM and the Clinton political “machine” won’t be gunning for you at this point??  Ask Sarah Palin how that goes!!

When I started seeing all these candidates coming forward I made a comment to a pal that it would be something if all these many talents could come together and form an administration utilizing the talents of each in the area in which they are best suited.  I suggested Trey Gowdy as Attorney General,  Ben Carsen as Surgeon General or head of HHS [replace Obamacare with a REAL healthcare plan],  Col Adam West as Defense Minister,  use Cruz, Rand, Walker, et al, and Carly Fiorina would be a great lady to re-work our economy/business and trade policies.  You get the drift here right.  Then one day I was cruising the “net” and i ran across a piece written by Chuck Norris, not one that I would think of as a political scholar, but I was really surprised at the message he had.  I urge you to take a look at it. Link provided  below the article.

So who do you think will end up being  the finisher in this race????   Do we have any candidates willing to make a DREAM TEAM??

here is a link to Chuck Norris; article—  GOP Dream Team

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